Dealing with Post-Covid Anxiety?

You are not alone! Here’s what you should know.

Global rates of anxiety and depression increased by 25% in the first year of the pandemic and those numbers are unlikely to go down right away. Studies show that periods of social isolation and loneliness can continue impacting mental health for up to 9 years. This may be because social isolation triggers a defensive response in our brain and body.

This survival response is very stubborn and doesn’t reverse by Magic. We have to proactively reset our nervous system. 24-50% of people who recover from COVID report increased anxiety 3 months to a year later.

Anxiety is also highly correlated with long-COVID, and may be related to chronic inflammation in the brain and nervous system. Even if you never contracted COVID studies show that anxiety from lock down is also linked to chronic inflammation in the brain and nervous system. That might sound scary. No one wants to hear that their brain is inflamed!

The good news is… This is very much within your control. Your brain is very responsive to diet, habits, lifestyle and environment. There is a lot you can do to heal chronic inflammation, and you may actually end up healthier than you were pre-COVID.

Cold exposure, nasal breathing, vagal nerve resets, whole food diet, regular exercise, high quality sleep and so much more….

“ok sounds good, but the problem is… I have axiety. Cutting out all of my comfort foods and forcing myself outside my comfort zone to exercise and jump in freezing cold water. Is not happening”

That’s why we get coaching :) All of this is very possible when work with your nervous system instead of working against it and find the unit of change that’s right for you.

In resilience,


Everything felt like a struggle.


I never was a runner