Making a long term change

Have you ever had the experience of taking a big step out of your comfort zone, making a big change in your life, feeling a ton of enthusiasm and energy -- and then immediately backsliding into old habits and ways of being?

If this is you, don't feel crazy -- you're the norm and not the exception. That might make you feel better until you look around and realize how much real, lasting change is needed in this world and how hard it seems to be to make it stick!

That's because the big boost of energy needed to initiate a change is only one of the ingredients in the recipe for long term change.

Real, lasting change happens gradually and -- most importantly -- deliberately. The giddy feeling of stepping outside our comfort zone and just going for it can be amazing fuel to get us headed in the right direction. But if we want to arrive at our destination, we need to take off our party hat and put on our scientist hat. We need to be our own guinea pig in an (animal friendly) laboratory of behavior change.

Change is hard, and lasting change is harder -- but it's also deeply rewarding. If you're willing to do the work, to wake up and treat each day like an experiment, to stay curious and anticipate backslides on the way to breakthroughs, there's no limit to the change and lasting transformation you can effect in your life.

In Resilience,



The secret reason you’re stuck and can’t move on.


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